Configure a Bonjour Gateway

Extreme Networks devices can function as Bonjour Gateways and forward service advertisements across VLAN or subnet boundaries.



You must add at least one filter rule to the Bonjour Gateway profile before you can save it.

Use this task to define a Bonjour Gateway profile that specifies which VLANs the Bonjour Gateway scans, and which services it shares with other Bonjour Gateways.

  1. Go to Configure > Common Objects > Policy > Bonjour Gateway Settings.
  2. Select an existing Bonjour Gateway, and then select Edit, or select Add.
  3. Configure the following settings.
    Table 1. Bonjour Gateway Settings
    Field Description
    Name The Bonjour Gateway name for referencing in a network policy.
    Description An optional description for the Bonjour Gateway.
    Scan the following VLANs for services The VLANs that you want the Bonjour Gateway to scan for service advertisements.
    Note: Use commas to separate multiple VLAN IDs (do not include a space after a comma) and dashes to indicate ranges.
  4. Select Add to add a Bonjour filter rule.
  5. Configure the settings for the Bonjour filter rule.
  6. Select Save.